What You Didn’t Know about Choosing the Best Transcription Company for Your Needs – Think Tag

Not all transcription agencies are alike – in fact, if you do some careful research, you’ll find that many of them are, frankly speaking, quite disappointing. The Internet will list hundreds, if not thousands, of transcription companies, many of them with favourable fees. The problem with this is that you’re never sure about what you’re going to get before it’s too late, and the quality that some of them provide is, truth be told, horrifying. Before you get discouraged, however, let us give you some hope: there are some excellent transcription companies out there, and they are truly wonderful – you just have to know how to find them. Looking for a reliable, quality company that can meet your needs? Here are some valuable tips. Here’s what you didn’t know about choosing the best transcription company for your needs.

The website should provide you with answers

Think about it for a second: the physician dictates something, and it should come back in clear print, crisp and clean, free of mistakes, in a document. It’s about clarity. If your potential service provider is not clear on their own website, it’s not a good sign. Your transcription company’s website should be able to tell you exactly what they do, and not be vague about it.

Problems with spelling and grammar?

Adding to what has been said above, you should already be able to form an opinion based on the amount of spelling errors and grammatical mistakes a website contains – you’re sure to get those same mistakes in the documents they provide you.

Let them ask you questions

A good UK transcription service set on delivering quality work will ask you questions – questions regarding the work they have to do, the turnaround time, the expertise that is required, and regarding the specialist work, if necessary. Welcome their questions.

Recommendations work

Checking references is good, but listening to your peers and following their recommendations often gives the best results. It’s easy for a website to list recommendations; it’s more reliable to follow your colleagues’ advice.

In essence, you have a choice – you can rely on fast promises, or you can make a deal with a company that knows what you’re all about. It requires communication; when you think about it, the transcription services industry is all about communication and how to put it correctly on file. If there’s a problem with basic communication, then chances are the company is not going to provide you with the quality you need. Ask questions. Let the prospective transcription provider ask you questions. And trust your instincts. If it doesn’t sound (or read) right, it probably isn’t. There’s too much at stake for you to get it wrong.


Image attributed to thepathtraveler/FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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